Groups & Organizations


Star of the Sea Women's Guild

Our Women's Guild meets once per month during our 'season' of October to April, keeping in mind the three fold purpose of increasing the spiritual life of each member, raising money for our parish as well as other charities, and also to stimulate the social lives of its membership.  By working together to sponsor such events as the annual Christmas Bazaar, and Rummage Sale they raise money which is then donated to several local charities as well as Catholic elementary and high schools in our region.  Each featuring an interesting speaker, the monthly meeting are always filled with good conversation, friendship and fun for all the ladies.  The Guild is a very active group of women who participate in the church community as lectors, eucharistic ministers, sacristy helpers, cantors, rosary makers and other fine committees.  Please consider helping our Guild achieve it's goals and in doing so, make wonderful friendships with a great group of women.   Do not hesitate to contact the church office for details.  Welcome!  We're waiting for you!

Click Here for More Guild Information 

St. Mary's Men's Club 

On the third Thursday of each month, the Men's Club of St. Mary, Star of the Sea, gather together in Stella Maris Hall for their dinner meeting.  From October to April, many interesting speakers are scheduled to present their program to the men of our parish, while they enjoy a delicious meal together.  The Men's Club members contribute to our parish in many ways, such as helping to organize the annual church picnic, for example and hosting the ever popular St. Patrick's Day Dinner-Dance.  They will work with the Women's Guild to sponsor musical programs and other events, as well.  They, too, donate the proceeds of their fund raising to many deserving local charities.  The Men's Club always extends a warm welcome to any new member and would hope that our newest parishioners would  call our church office for further information.

Click Here for More Men's Club Information 


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council of St. Mary, Star of the Sea, is a group of parishioners appointed by the Pastor to assist in fostering pastoral activity.  They represent our parish community and are to act as an advisory board to the Pastor.  They must take into consideration the needs of the parish and make recommendations accordingly. 

Click Here for Minutes

Finance Council

Selected by the Pastor, this group serves as an advisory body to the Pastor and to the Pastoral Council in the administration of the goods of the parish with relation to stewardship of parish finances, budgets, and long-range financial development.  Appointed on the basis of their expertise in matters relating to accounting, finance, investment management, budgets and law, the Finance Council receives support and guidance from the Finance Department of the Diocese of Venice which states that all members are bound to observe discretion in the confidential matters they consider.