St. Mary, Star of the Sea, strives to build a vibrant parish community where our members play a very active role.
Your talents and gifts are greatly welcomed! With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can make a difference in our community and the world.
Parish Ministries
ALTAR SERVERS: serve God and His people with reverence, dignity and love by assisting the priest at Mass-daily, weekends, holy days and funerals.
ALTAR SOCIETY: Assist the Sacristan with cleaning, ironing and sewing of the various liturgical linens and other items associated with the Mass.
CANTORS: "Those who sing pray twice" - the cantor leads the songs and encourages full participation by the congregation in the singing of the songs and hymns during Mass. Under the direction and accompanied by our Director of Music, Mr. Rene Ng.
CELEBRATION OF LIFE COMMITTEE: When a parishioner passes away and the family wishes to hold a small reception in the parish hall following the funeral Mass, the Celebration of Life Committee coordinates with the family and arranges the event as well as acting as hostesses for the event.
COLLECTION COMMITTEE: Work in small groups to count the offertory collections each Monday morning. They prepare tally sheets to record collection amounts and also prepare deposit slips for the bank deposit.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: To be invited by the Pastor to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is an honor and a privilege. Eucharistic Ministers serve God's people and profess their own faith by sharing the body and blood of Christ when they distribute communion to people at Mass, and also to the home bound.
EVANGELISTIC MINISTRY: St. Mary Star of The Sea Evangelistic Ministry is focused on improving communications regarding issues affecting Catholic Families.
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: To offer support to anyone coping with the loss of a loved one.
LECTORS: Spread the Good News as they read the Word of God at Mass. As they proclaim the readings during Mass, lectors bring enlightenment and century's old truths to life to the congregation from the pages of the missal.
LIBRARY: The library located in the annex of the church needs volunteers to categorize and organize books and other media to make accessible and promote Catholic works to our parishioners.
PRISON MINISTRY: The Prison Ministry is made up of volunteers who visit Catholic inmates in local prisons. Their mission includes bringing the Eucharist to the inmates and providing the opportunity for them to attend mass.
ROSARY MAKERS: Gather weekly during the Winter season to string beads and prepare rosaries to be distributed to various missions.
USHERS: From handing out bulletins as they greet parishioners entering for Mass, to guiding the people to receive Holy communion, to finding a seat for someone at a crowded Mass and tending to the offertory collections, the role of the usher is very important because they are always available to assist the people in church.